What the Hell?

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Where I got my title...

In case you were on the edge of your seat wondering where I came up with the blog name of "What the hell..." I want to let you know why. It's my trademark phrase. Ever since I understood the magic of words, "What the hell" has been one of my favorite statements. It can be used in a multitude of ways. For example: "What the hell is that?" "Where the hell is she going?" "What the hell is on TV tonight?" "What the hell was that noise?" "Who the hell farted?" "What the hell time is it? 10:00? What the hell?" And, not only can it be used as a question, but also a statement. "I don't know what the hell he thought he was doing, but he's stupid." "I figured, 'what the hell' and did it anyway." See? Many uses, that. It can be interjected into every day conversation. "What the hell was the low temperature last night?" "Where in hell are you going after work?" "What the hell were the Huskers DOING this year?" It can be used to express anger. "What the hell were you THINKING?" It can be used to express disdain "I don't know WHAT THE HELL you were THINKING." It can be used to express friendliness. "Bob? What the hell have you been up to?" It can even be used to express love. "Ron...I just wanted to let you know that no matter what the hell happens, I will always love you."

Try to use it in your next conversation and see how popular you will quickly become.