What the Hell?

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Because I've had 5 beers...HUSKERS!!!

Okay, let's talk about the Husker football team, shall we? I'm not gonna get into this big, long, history lesson on how long I've been a Husker (33 years) , how many games I've been too personally (not a lot, probably 7) etc. etc, but I do want to talk about the football team this year. Let's talk about that, shall we? Okay. We shall.

(If you would like to close out of my blog out of sheer boredom, go right ahead and hit that leeeeetttlllle X on the upper right hand side of your screen. I don't mind.) If not, let me start off by saying, I love Coach Callahan. I mean, I really love the guy. Of course, I didn't care if we hired Howdy freakin' Doody as long as Solich was gone, but I think we lucked out with Callahan. ( I'll get to that later.) We needed fresh blood. Know what else bothers me? (This is MY blog, so I can say what I want.) What bothers me is that although I really loved Coach Osbourne, there is NO NEED to find out what he thinks about the state of Nebraska football at this time. The Guy (and I say that like, "The God") hasn't been a coach for what, six years? And we STILL care about what he says about the team? Ask ME how I feel about things and what I think about things. I can tell ya! First of all...I'm a GIRL. And, girls aren't "supposed" to know that much about football. We're supposed to pretend that we like it, or pretend we understand it, and we're supposed to smile and wave absentmindedly when our husbands/boyfriends/brothers/uncles, etc talk about football. Not me. I've been a Husker fan for 30 years and a CHICAGO BEARS fan since 1978, so I know about football. I know the calls and the positions and the penalties and even who played where in college. I know these things not to impress my husband, but because I LOVE FOOTBALL. I love everything about it and always have. So I feel qualified to say what I"m gonna say.

We needed someone new. Not a Devaney-in-training. Not an Osbourne-in-training. We needed someone new. My husband and I can argue for days about how solich was fired, but I don't feel like going into that right now. Namely, because I've had about a six pack, and also because that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that we have a new coach.

The problem I have with the new coach is this: The excuse of "Oh, I didn't recruit these players. These are Frank Solich's recruits..." is wearing thin. Yes. They ARE solich's recruits, but as the book says, MAKE DUE WITH ROSE THORNS AND GLUE. Don't adapt them to your coaching style, which we can so obviously tell didn't work! Adapt your coaching style to them, at least for this year!!! I know this is a moot point, since the season is over, but even I got tired of the "These aren't Callahan's recruits" excuse. So what! Do what you can with them, sigh, and do better next year. Don't just give up because they're not yours! FIGHT!!! Work those guys like a red-headed step child, but also work yourself! Be someone you weren't "trained" to be just for the sake of maybe, just maybe being better than a .500 this year!

Okay, I feel better now. And, I actually don't want to "get to that later" about lucking out with Callahan. Lets just say that as I go to get my 6th beer, I want to wish only the best for Coach Solich (University of Ohio?). I never felt ill will towards him, only a will to finally be different. Let me also say, that being a Bears fan since 1978, I'm used to losing, but I really don't want it out of the Huskers. Maybe by the 7th beer, I'll think Callhan is the 2nd coming....tune in later to find out.