What the Hell?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

This is the stupidest Day I've ever had.

One time on "Cheers", Dr. Frasier Crane said something along the lines of "this is the stupidest day I've ever had." I've had one of those days.

First of all, my daughter is getting sick. She's got that hoarseness that heralds a cold coming on. Hopefully we can avoid strep for once this...week...

Secondly, work is really pissing me off. You would think, after 14 years, that I'd be used to stupid days. Nope. My boss e-mailed me three freakin' times about the SAME DAMN THING. And, on top of all that, acted like each time was the first! How annoying is that??? Then! Okay, THEN, I have this encryption software on my computer. I am THE ONLY one in the ENTIRE company that has this software, so that should tell you what kind of support I get from my help desk. If I have a question, they all kind of shrug their shoulders and remind me that I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS THE PROGRAM. I'm not blaming the help desk, but I REALLY need some support!

Crap. So, there were three files I could NOT decrypt this afternoon because something is all screwed up. I was there late and all frazzled when I finally got home. THEN, there's this entity that is sending things to I swear, every single person in our company, and nobody knows that anyone else is working on them, so we're all stepping on each other. Stomping, in some cases. THEN, I tried two different times to send a file via electronic transfer & the damn thing timed out TWICE for no reason. This is the first time this has ever happened! The help desk promised to help me out, but then they "forgot" about it and can't do it until tomorrow. Add that to my list. THEN, when I finally get to my car after work, some asshole has put a sign on my door telling me that I parked too close to him/her. What the fuck ever. They're lucky I didn't RAM them with my supervehicle. Don't touch my car.

To top it all off, I have a funeral to go to tomorrow, (I know, poor me) and my boss intentionally scheduled a meeting to end, like, 2 seconds before I have to leave! WTF??? Everyone is sick at work, too, so everyone who is left is stressed out, trying to cover. Grrrrr...OH! AND!! Found another problem with the way we're sending accounts! Great! And, I'm stressed out about an upcoming trip to Colorado to see the Braves play the Rockies. (Go Braves!) I worry about being on the road that long. I worry about leaving my kid, in case she gets sicker. She'll be in good hands with grandma, but I still worry, since she's not one to be away from home much. Neither am I, but Boy, do I need a vacation from these stupid days!!!!

Next post? Look for another famous Dr. Frasier Crane line, "Look at me! I'm running with scissors!"