What the Hell?

Monday, January 03, 2005

Hey, Dad...

Hey, Dad. Me again. How are things in Heaven? How's God? How are grandma and grandpa? We got some ice last night. I didn't drive like Mario Andretti, so I was okay. I kind of wanted to Monster Truck over people going 2 miles per hour on the interstate, but I didn't. We're supposed to get up to 20 inches of snow in the next couple of days. That reminded me of you. I can remember the days you used to have to work so much overtime when it snowed. I was looking through your check stubs when I was going through your stuff and sometimes you were working 80 hours a week plowing snow and clearing ice off the roads.

It was kind of funny...I was thinking about you on the way home, and I met a snow plow. I looked to see who it was, and couldn't see anyone in the cab. Was it you, Dad? Phantom snow plowing? Were you making sure my path was safe? I'm not saying the cab was EMPTY...I'm just saying that the light was hitting it just right to glare off the windows so I couldn't see the driver. I'm pretty sure it was you. Thanks for clearing my path. One thing they say in "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" is that life has to end, but love doesn't. I know that's true because I can still feel it. It didn't end for me when you died, and I know it didn't end for you because I can still feel it. The good thing is that you'll always be my protector until the day I come to meet you. Then we'll both protect my daughter, your granddaughter. Can I ride in the snowplow with you? I won't even ask to drive.