What the Hell?

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Pink Dragon

Let me start off by saying, I sure like these Seagram's Smooth Pink Dragons. Go get a six pack. You won't be sorry. I have a bad cold, so I figure instead of drinking the alcohol that's in Nyquil, I just as well drink some that's in the Pink Dragon.

Here's what I'm doing right now. Well, drinking a Pink Dragon. And, looking at a new Recumbent exercise bike. But, I got distracted by Tony Little's Gazelle. Do you know those things? They look kind of interesting, especially the newest model. I'm checking them out. I probably won't get one, though, because we've already got a basement full of exercise equipment. You'd think I was an IronMan Triathlete, looking at our basement.

I did get a good laugh, looking at this stuff, though. There's one testimonial where the lady is touting a huge weight loss of 67 pounds. I laughed. That's HALF of what I want to lose. 67 pounds is great, but for me, it just isn't enough. A drop in the bucket. Where is the pill that allows me to lose 120 pounds in a week? (I think it's on eBay.) I didn't eat anything today, hardly. I had a couple of ice and fruit smoothies, but that was about it. I tried this new Cortislim pill today and it kinda took my hunger away. At least I think it did. I sure haven't eaten much.

I've been on edge all afternoon. Let me list the reasons why.

a: A cop was killed in Denver while we were there last week. That really makes me sad and nervous. I'm not one who thinks "Oh, it can't happen to MY husband." I'm one to spend every waking moment thinking it WILL happen. I'm upset for a long time after these things happen.

b: I'm PMS-ing. Enough said.

c: When I took a nap earlier, I had a terrible dream that I was being chased by giants because my husband took a blanket off one of their beds. They were chasing me and threatening to get my daughter, so I was trying to hide with her. I kept waking up, then dozing back off and going right back into this crazy dream, so I ended up pretty much throwing myself out of bed and onto the floor, just to actually wake up and stop the cycle! I'm weird like that. Dreams like that one and any nightmare stay with me for a long time, no matter how nonsensical they are. Giants? WTF?

So that's my story for tonight. I didn't do any formal exercising, but I did spend a lot of time cleaning and going up and down stairs to do laundry. I won't count that, so tomorrow I'm going to start on my 100 minutes a week goal. I'm really going to try to stick with it.

Side note: We sold our boat today. To a very nice couple from Manitoba, Canada. Believe it or not, the lady actually used the term "eh" a couple times when we were talking to them. It was all I could do not to launch into a "Strange Brew" diatribe. They were very nice. He's a Royal Canadian Mounted Police member. A mountie. I told my husband that when they showed up I was going to go up to them, grab their hands and shout, "WELCOME TO OUR COUNTRY." I didn't.