What the Hell?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Act One Scene One

Last night, as I was drifting off to sleep, I got this very strong longing to see my dad. To hear his voice. To be near him. I asked God to tell my dad hello from me and that I missed him so much. The anniversary of his death is Thursday and things get pretty bad for me around this time. Duh. Anyway, in answer to my prayers, I had this dream last night.

Act One Scene One

It's someone else's house. I am sitting on a cluttered couch, next to a cluttered side table. I am on the right side of the couch. My dad is to my left. I am very happy to even see him sitting there. I decide to ask him some questions and, being a Taurus, want to write them down.

Me: Hi, Dad!

Dad: Hi, there, Kid!

Me: I can't believe you're here. Can I ask you a few questions? And, this time I'm going to write them down so I remember your answers for sure. Is that okay?

Dad: Ask away!

I get a piece of paper out of my Trapper Keeper. I am writing with a colored pencil.

Angie: Okay. First of all, do you know how much we miss you?

Dad: Of course.

Angie: Okay, next. Do you know how much we love you?

Dad: Sure. That doesn't go away.

Angie: Really? You take it with you?

Dad: Absolutely.

Angie: Cool. Okay. Next. Do you know your grandchildren are growing up fast and that they miss you almost as much as I do?

Dad: Yep. I see you every day.

Angie: What??

Dad: I look down and see you guys every day.

Angie. Really! Neat! Next question: Did it hurt to die?

Dad: Not at all.

Angie: What was it like, you know, "crossing over".

Dad: Jesus met me.

Angie: Are you serious??? Jesus Himself?!?

Dad: Yeah!

Angie: Dad, I love you so much and I miss you enough to almost kill me on some days.

Dad: I know you do, but listen...I see you every day. I can see everyone every day. I'm always here for you.

Angie: Always?

Dad: Always.

I turn my head to face straight ahead and look out the corner of my eye without turning my head. Dad's still there, laughing at me. I turn my head really fast to the side, like when people turn around really fast, hoping to catch someone behind them. Dad is still there, and by this time, looking at me like I've lost my mind. The third time I turn to look, he's gone. My notes are still there. I find it funny that I didn't ask him about Heaven, seeing how he rolled his eyes at me the last time I asked him how Heaven was. I've asked him about 137,029 times. He was getting exasperated. :-)

I take these dreams very seriously. I know the difference between dreaming about my dad, and having my dad come to me IN my dreams. They're two different things. He was communicating with me in my dream. And, I feel better knowing he sees me every day. God love him. Even funnier is that he has the same mannerisms in my dreams as he did in life. When dad used to tell a tall tale, he would put one leg over the other and pick imaginary lint off his pant leg. He was doing that in my dream!!!

Thanks, Dad. Thanks God.


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