What the Hell?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Let Our Children Go

I'm going to post about something that has been bothering me for a long time. Perhaps it's because it's been in the news so much lately.

Do these names ring a bell? Shasta Groene. Samantha Runnion. Danielle Van Damme. Polly Klaas. These were all children who were kidnapped and raped by pedophiles. One survived. The rest were killed and abandoned like they were pieces of trash.

If I had to write a general letter to the editor that all pedofiles would have to read, I would say this:


This is to notify you that you are not allowed to touch, grab, fondle, fantasize about, grope, leer, or even come near any children. I know it's an illness, but so are a lot of other things. That doesn't give you a right to rape our children.

I cringe when the media refers to rape as "sexual assault". Kind of a prettier name for something so disgusting, don't you think? It's rape. Plain and simple. You take these kids against their will and rape them. You torture them. You kill them. I don't even want to know what you do to them psychologically.

When Shasta Groene was found alive, I rejoiced, but also wondered if it were me, would I just wish I had been killed? The things that poor child saw, not with just seeing her entire family killed, but also being raped repeatedly by you, a pedophile.

Here's the deal, Pedophile. I can't emphasize this enough. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO OUR CHILDREN. STAY AWAY.

If you do feel the need to rape, attack, kidnap, or murder, please do everyone involved a favor and shoot yourself in the head before you do any of those things. Truthfully, you are better off dead. It's a proven fact that pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated. As a matter of fact, most mental health professionals won't even treat pedophiles because you can't be cured and because you seem to get more ideas by spewing your poison out to a professional.

Sound harsh? How harsh does it sound compared to parents being told their child was found, naked, by the side of a road. Or in a landfill, or a dumpster, or an abandoned building. Harsh? Harsh is the punishment I believe my God has in store for people like you.

I don't want to hear a sob story of how you are like this because you didn't have a daddy, or your mom was emotionally distant, or how you were molested yourself as a child. I don't care. There are tens of thousands of people out there who have had the SAME EXACT problems and they're not perverted child molesters.

You know what? If you feel the desire to molest and or/kill, call me personally. I will kill you for you. I'm sure you're too cowardly to do it yourself.