What the Hell?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Things that annoy me...(Or freak me out OR make me mad)

Here are some things that freak me out, annoy me, or make me mad.

1) Kids depicted as angels.

I will have a panic attack ever time I see some cutesy picture depicting children as angels. It's like watching a horror movie, at least to me. I'd rather see a kid depicted as LeatherFace.

2) When people cough on a conference call.

What the hell? No mute button? We don't want to hear you hack and cough on the call. Believe me.

3) When you go to a fast food place and the employee THROWS your food at you.

I HATE that. I will call people on that every single time.

That's all for now. Look for more later. Feel free to add your own.


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