What the Hell?

Thursday, June 09, 2005


I'm in the middle of my workday, but I just had to blog this before I explode!!!!

We were all sitting around talking about the computer training we had the other day. (Wait. It gets worse.)

Well, in this training, the lady who was doing the actual training has always weighed about 100 pounds. I kid you not. Anyway, she was saying that she "lost the weight" so she decided to wear a 2 piece swimsuit and she really got burnt on her stomach. She said if she was scratching, we would know why. Some of the guys looked around uncomfortably. Too much information? Perhaps. Anyway, we were talking about the training and I asked a girl who went on a different day if Tracy was still scratching. She said no, why? I told her what Tracy had said at the meeting, and that I didn't think most people cared.

Here comes the good part: The girl that sits across from me says, and I quote: "You can't have angst towards people just because they're thin."

WHAT??? What did you just say to me? Tell me you're kidding. Tell me that just didn't come out of your mouth.

I looked at her and said that had nothing to do with it. I just didn't think people cared to hear about her bikini in the middle of a business training session. She kind of shrugged her shoulders and started talking over me. Okay, as if I weren't pissed enough before...

So, I basically started yelling so she could hear me. I said, "I wasn't talking about her being thin. I was talking about her telling everyone she had this itch. I can't believe you just said that to me." I was really insulted! I mean, like she thinks that she can presume to know enough about me to think that I would actually dislike (or have angst toward...WTF)? someone just because they're thin? It had nothing to do with that! It was simply a statement about her conversation with basically complete strangers about her bikini burn!! I have never said anything disparaging about people's weight, be it high or low. I know how it feels. So, assume the fat girl hates the skinny girl??

I wanted to fly over the cubicle wall. Good thing she's not thin, or my angst would be misdirected.