What the Hell?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Drop Dead Index

I can barely talk about how hot it is outside. It's 101 degrees, with a heat index of 108. For those of you who may not know what a heat index is, it's a way, using heat plus humidity, to determine how much a person actually wants to drop dead. Around here they call it a "feels like" temperature. Kind of like wind chill, only the opposite.

This heat gives me a headache. Not to mention the fact that it makes me sweat, makes me sick, and makes me miserable. And that's sitting in air conditioning!! I could barely make it to my car from work. I am such a baby. When I was younger, I could be out in this heat all day, from sun up to well past sunset. I spent days at the lake, in 100 degree weather. Now that I"m an old fart, I can't tolerate the heat. In the next couple of years, I plan on not being able to tolerate loud music and teenagers.


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