What the Hell?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Now I'm Pissed

I'll admit...my housekeeping skills since I had a child have gone downhill dramatically. I don't do all the things I should be doing, because frankly, I'm tired. And, we have so much stuff, it's about impossible to even get started. Is my house a pigsty like my mom's was before we turned out in force to clean it? Not even close. But, I have a lot of things, and I just don't know where to begin. I have started to box away books as I'm done reading them, but books are my weakness. I have perhaps a thousand books, and that's not exaggerating.

I guess I'm expected to do all the housework, though. I try to pick up every night, and I vacuum and mop the floors and clean the toilets and do all the laundry. We take turns loading and unloading the dishwasher. Could I do more? Sure. I could do less, too.

Tonight really pissed me off, though. I was frantically looking around for my daughter's homework, which is due tomorrow. I was looking all over everywhere and couldn't find it. I asked my husband if he had seen it, and he said no, that he put the folder the papers were in in our daughter's backpack, but he "didn't see any papers." Okay, there were like 15 papers with the folder. How do you miss these? I am tearing the newspapers apart, trying to find them, when my husband mutters the magic words, "I don't THINK I threw them away." Ahhhhh...

My husband's idea of "cleaning" is "throw everything in the trash can". He is a chronic thrower-awayer, which is fine, but when it comes to important papers, and things of that nature, I think there's a better way to do things, such as LOOK at them before winging them into the trash. I cannot even tell you the number of times good things have been thrown away. I'm no hoarder. I don't keep used kleenexes and old newspapers and things of that nature, but I like to keep important papers and books and bills and other things out of the trash.

So, I kind of sigh and turn to the trash can. There, on top, was a Kinko's bag that held copies of my resume. Totally bent and destroyed. There were our daughter's papers and homework. All buried underneath the resumes and ice cream wrappers. See, it doesn't dawn on him that there might be actual garbage in there, so everything is usually destroyed.

I said, "I wish you wouldn't have thrown these things away." I was nice about it. He responded with a very snotty, "Well, if someone besides me would ever pick up anything in this house, I wouldn't have to throw things away!" Oh, good reasononing. He throws things away if everything IS picked up. I didn't say a word. I could have mentioned that things can be PUT away without being THROWN away, but he doesn't seem to understand that. But, check our counter in the kitchen...on there you will find months old flyers and credit card offers in his name. He can't throw THAT stuff away, but he throws everything else in the trash.

So, tomorrow (I took the day off) is going to be spent: a) going to the gym, and b) cleaning the house. I plan on taking a huge garbage bag and just carrying it with me throughout the house so I can wing away his credit card offers and miscellaneous coupons that he thinks we "might" need in the future. (They expired in October.) And, to make myself feel better,I bought three new books at Barnes and Noble tonight. I better hide them so they don't end up in the trash.