What the Hell?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Jeff, I think we must part ways...

I hate to tell Jeff the Gym guy this, but I think it's time he and I stopped seeing each other. Tonight I went to the gym and there were 14 people there, plus two kids. And me. All in a space the size of three large bedrooms. All the cardio equipment was taken, and everyone stares at everyone who uses the weights. They all look at me like, "What are YOU doing here?" I about want to say, "Hey, I belong here more than you do. I'm the one who needs to get in shape!" But, I don't. I just stare peacefully back until they stop looking. I call it the "cow eyes" look. Go look at a cow sometime. The way they look at people is so neat. It's kind of like "Huh! Will you look at that!". Very peaceful and interested.

Anyway, husband and I are talking about just selling the bowflex (which I HATE) and buying a home gym stacked weight machine thingy. That's all that's keeping me at the gym now. We have all that cardio equipment at home, except for the Arc trainer. But, that's $6000, so that ain't gonna happen.

That way I can exercise in peace without the livestock at the gym staring at me. Jeff is going to be heartbroken, but he'll have to just deal with it. Life sometimes deals us things we don't want.


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